CAHN-ACHN – Vera Roberts’ Research Award
Call for Applications
The Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN-ACHN) invites applications for the Vera Roberts’ Endowment (VRE). The VRE provides funding to qualified investigators for historical research and publication of topics related to outpost nursing or nursing in remote areas with priority given to circumpolar regions (defined as “North of 60 degrees parallel” for Canada). Eligible applicants include: graduate and post-doctoral students, established researchers in nursing history, and persons with informal experience in historical research.
Application forms are available at and must be accompanied by a detailed proposal, curriculum vitae, and all other necessary documents. Please refer to the Guidelines for Nursing History Proposals.
Applications must be submitted electronically by October 15th, 2020. Questions and completed applications can be sent to Dr. Margaret Scaia, University of Victoria at: