Vera Roberts Award Applications Due October 31st


Purpose: The purpose of the VRE is to fund research, publication or other forms of knowledge dissemination on the history of outpost nursing, broadly understood.

Terms of Reference:

Eligible project proposals may include a wide range of topics relevant to the history of nursing and health care in rural, remote, or northern communities in any geographical area as described below:

  • What traditionally has been framed as “outpost nursing” in any geographical area nationally or internationally
  • Delivery of health care in rural, remote, or northern communities in any geographical area
  • Public health, community, or home health nursing across the lifespan in rural or remote areas
  • Collaboration of nurses and other health professionals and workers in the development of rural and remote health care
  • People’s experiences with receiving or organizing nursing care in northern, rural, or remote areas
  • Telehealth and incorporation of technology in remote health care delivery
  • Health policy governing rural, remote and/or northern nursing care delivery
  • Outpost nursing in the circumpolar regions (north of 60 degrees parallel) of Canada or globally (Projects pertaining to Canada will be prioritized, then those globally)
  • Nursing and the impact of social determinants of health in rural or remote communities
  • Community participation in the development of local health resources in remote areas
  • Development of educational resources to teach public, rural, or remote health history

Eligible applicants include graduate students or undergraduate students conducting honours papers or projects, with an identified supervisor, and post-doctoral fellows, nursing scholars, researchers in nursing history, historians, nurse historians, or independent scholars who are conducting a research and/or publication or knowledge dissemination project.

Proposals maybe submitted for one of two purposes:

  1. Research and/or publication project
  2. Knowledge dissemination project

Proposals may cover a broad range of scholarly methodologies in nursing and health history. Applications may include research and/or publication projects or knowledge dissemination projects in relation to the above purpose and terms of reference. Refer to the application form included below for instructions on project proposals and application procedures. Submission deadlines are March 31st  or October 31st . Please contact the CAHN-ACHN Awards committee chair if you have questions about the application or eligibility of your project (Dr. Margaret Scaia,

Application Form: Word | PDF