Event: Black (in)Visibility: Black Nurses in Canada who Paved the Way February 25th


Black (in)Visibility: Black Nurses in Canada who Paved the Way

Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry

Date: 25 Feb 2021

Presented by: Dr. Dzifa Dordunoo, Dr. Karen Flynn, Ismalia De Sousa, and Dr. Lydia Wytenbroek

Room: Hold the Date

Time: 12:00-1:45pm

Hold the Date: Black History Month Panel

The Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry is hosting a panel for Black History Month called: Black (in)Visibility: Black Nurses in Canada who Paved the Way. This panel will recognize the significant contributions of Black nurses to health care in British Columbia and Canada. Invited panelists include: Dr. Dzifa Dordunoo, Assistant Professor of Nursing at the University of Victoria, Dr. Karen Flynn, Associate Chair of the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies and Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies & African American Studies at the University of Illinois, Ismalia De Sousa, Doctoral Student at UBC School of Nursing, and Dr. Lydia Wytenbroek, Assistant Professor of Nursing at UBC. Please hold the date and join us for this important conversation!

Registration information to follow.