“Bads” in Healthcare Conference Programme Now Available


A conference organized in co-operation with the European Association for the History of Nursing and the European Journal for the History of Nursing and Nursing Ethics.

The conference proposes to look closely at “bads” in the history of nursing, midwifery and other professions in healthcare. What shaped the perception of bad care? Who was held responsible for it? What dilemmas did individual, had collective actors have to solve? How or, why not could negative experiences in healthcare contribute to reforms? With a focus of these questions historians and historical researchers in nursing, midwifery, social science and medicine present the results of their investigations. The Conference’s discussions interlink historical research with ethical questions.

21st and 22nd of June 2018. School of Health, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), in Winterthur (Switzerland).

An inspiring learning opportunity

  • for researchers in the field of History and Ethic of Health, Nursing, Midwifery and Medicine as well as Medical Humanities
  • for teachers and managers with an interprofessional orientation in health and social professions

Conference programme available here: https://gpghssblog.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/bads-in-healthcare-2018.pdf