CFP: 7th MOMS History of Medicine Conference


On September 27-28, 2019, the University of Minnesota will host the 7th Manitoba-[Northwest] Ontario-Minnesota-Saskatchewan (MOMS) History of Medicine Conference. The conference will be held on the University of Minnesota’s Minneapolis campus.

MOMS welcomes papers in all areas of the history of health and healing including medical ideas, practices and institutions; illness and disease; health professions; and public health and health disparities. The conference will provide graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty the opportunity to present papers from all eras and regions of the world. Works in progress are encouraged.

The Program Committee invites both individual and panel presentations.

(1) Individual papers: Sessions will be 90 minutes in length and speakers should plan a presentation of no more than 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for questions and turn over. Presentations should represent original, unpublished work.

(2) Panels: Panel proposals are welcome. These will consist of 3 original papers (again limited to 20 minutes each) addressing a common topic. An appointed moderator should submit a proposal for the entire panel and coordinate individual speakers. Each speaker should submit an individual abstract noting that it is part of a panel.

The conference is open to all interested scholars. Please submit an abstract (no more than 300 words) and a one-page curriculum vitae with contact information to Peter Kernahan ( For programming purposes, please indicate if you are a member of one of the MOMS institutions. Deadline for submissions is midnight March 31th, 2019. We hope to notify participants by May 1.

• Submissions by graduate and medical students are particularly welcome. Though yet to be determined, some travel and housing assistance may be available for student participants. When submitting an abstract please indicate if you are a student and are interested in assistance.