Call for Applications Vera Roberts Endowment 2020

CAHN-ACHN – Vera Roberts’ Research Award Call for Applications The Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN-ACHN) invites applications for the Vera Roberts’ Endowment (VRE).  The VRE provides funding to qualified investigators for historical research and publication of topics related to outpost nursing or nursing in remote areas with priority given to circumpolar regions

la bourse Margaret M. Allemang 2020

L’Association canadienne de l’histoire du nursing (CAHN/ ACHN) invite les étudiants gradués à soumettre leur dossier pour la bourse Margaret M. Allemang (niveau maîtrise ou doctorat). Les candidat(e)s doivent travailler dans le domaine de l’histoire du nursing; la priorité sera donnée à ceux et celles qui étudient l’histoire du nursing canadien. Les candidat(e)s doivent être

Brazilian Nursing History Conference

PRESENTATION The 1st International Congress on the History of Nursing Education (ICoHNE), 5th Colloquium of the Brazilian Academy of Nursing History (ABRADHENF) e 2nd Symposium of the Laboratory for Nursing History Studies (LAESHE) is a result of a long-standing partnership between the Brazilian Academy of Nursing History (ABRADHENF) and the Laboratory for Nursing History Studies (LAESHE), at

Women’s College Hospital School of Nursing history feature in Toronto Star

On May 6th a celebration of the Centenary of the Women’s College Hosptial School of Nursing Alumnae was held in Toronto with over 320 graduate nurses in attendance!  This celebration, planned by the alumnae Anniversary Committee, was two years in the making.  Coinciding with this momentous occasion two nursing history articles were published in the Toronto