The 1st International Congress on the History of Nursing Education (ICoHNE), 5th Colloquium of the Brazilian Academy of Nursing History (ABRADHENF) e 2nd Symposium of the Laboratory for Nursing History Studies (LAESHE) is a result of a long-standing partnership between the Brazilian Academy of Nursing History (ABRADHENF) and the Laboratory for Nursing History Studies (LAESHE), at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing (EERP-USP).
In 2019, Nursing History education in the Americas completes 102 years. Its initial time frame is the establishment of the Standard Curriculum for Schools of Nursing (SCSN) in the United States, in 1917, called History of Nursing (including Ethical and Social principles) and aimed at arousing enthusiasm and interest in the profession for the incoming students.
The SCSN had a great influence in the Nursing curricula in Brazil, through the first appearance of Nursing History teaching, with a similar denomination, in the curriculum of the Nursing School of the National Department of Public Health (official program – Current Anna Nery Nursing School), as from 1923, changing the title to History of Nursing in 1926. The nursing history education survived in most of the Brazilian curricular reforms.
With the National Curricular Guidelines for Nursing Undergraduate Courses in 2001, the teaching of Nursing History is not mentioned in the body of the document, a fact that would make it possible to withdraw undergraduate courses. Within the current curricular philosophy of training critical professionals, in relation to their profession and social role, it seems impossible to accomplish this task without the discussion of Nursing History, it’s legacy to the present day and awareness of the responsibility of nurses in the future of Nursing.
In view of such exhibitions, we aim to achieve the following objectives with the event:
- to bring together students and researchers from the field of nursing history and related areas, from different countries, to strengthen the teaching of nursing history;
- to discuss the teaching of nursing history through active methodologies, directed to the production of knowledge in nursing;
- to disseminate the production of knowledge, through the field of nursing history, in the sense of valuing the professional of the area.
Another projected impact with the proposal is foster important discussions for the teaching of nursing history and will enable the construction of an international network for future years, as well as the strengthening of knowledge construction in nursing history and its use in teaching.
Spanish and Portuguese papers will be simultaneously translated into English.
More information is avaliable here.